Affliated to CBSE

Affliated No. 3630112

Saritha vidyanikethan School


+91 8328261392


Admission Structure


Year Cycle

The academic year runs from April to March, and is divided into Two terms:

  • I term from April - September
  • II term from October - March

The admission process for the next academic year begins in December. Forms can be collected from school office between 09:00 am - 04:00 pm. Online application facility is also available.

Parents must submit the following documents along with a completely filled application form:

  1. Copy of the Birth certificate and / or passport
  2. Copy of the Adhaar Card
  3. Copy of the last Report Card
  4. Bonafide Certificate
  5. Transfer Certificate
  6. 3 passport size photos of the student and one each of the parent

The school has an open-door policy and will offer students a place in a class they deem fit for the student depending on his readiness for a particular class.

Selection is based on an interview of the student as well as parent with the Senior Management Team comprising the directors and principal as well as the results of the readiness test that the student must write before the admission is finalized.

  • Class I-V: Student will need to show mastery of basic concepts covered in the previous class in English, Maths and II language (Hindi/ Urdu)
  • Class VI-VIII: Student will need to show mastery of basic concepts covered in the previous class in English, Maths, Science and II language (Hindi/ Urdu)
  • Class IX-X: fresh admissions into these classes will be taken only if the student is already registered with the CBSE board, is a transfer case, and is able to produce a CCE record as per the CBSE norms, and should score at least Grade B in scholastic area A

Send your Admission Enquiry

Fee Structure for the Academic Year 2024-25

Fee Particulars INR
Application Fee No Application Fee
One-time payment at the time of Admission – No Admission Fee * I TO X:-10000/-

Tuition fee for the Academic Year 2024-2025

Class Tution Fee Term - I Term - II Term - III Term - IV
Class Tution Fee Term - I Term - II Term - III Term - IV
Class Tution Fee Term - I Term - II Term - III Term - IV
Class Tution Fee Term - I Term - II Term - III Term - IV
Class Tution Fee Term - I Term - II Term - III Term - IV

Note: • The percentage of fee hike will be 6-10% every year. • A discount of 5% will be given if total Tuition fees are paid on or before 10 April. • A discount of Rs. 1000/- will be given as Sibling Discount

Transporation Fee

Transport Fee Structure of Academic Year 2024-25

Class Tution Fee Term - I Term - II Term - III Term - IV
Class Tution Fee Term - I Term - II Term - III Term - IV
Class Tution Fee Term - I Term - II Term - III Term - IV
Class Tution Fee Term - I Term - II Term - III Term - IV
Class Tution Fee Term - I Term - II Term - III Term - IV

Note: Contact further Details Transport Incharge Abdul Basith : 8807994929

Terms & Conditions

Fee Payment Instructions & Mode of Payment

  • The Payment can be made through online direct to school account or as cash in school.
  • Tuition Fee is payable 4 times in a year i.e. from the 1st to the 10th of April, August & December. Otherwise, a fine of Rs-500/- is levied every month.
  • Transport Fee: If availing school transport, the fee is payable 2 times a year i.e. from the 1st to 10th of April & December. Otherwise, a fine of Rs500/- is levied every month.
  • If payment has not occurred as per the schedule given, after 3 months the admission of the student stands cancelled. The parent needs to restart the process of admission to keep their child on the school’s admission rolls.
  • After making any payment through Online or Net banking parents are requested to intimate the transaction / id number to the account department for the mobile number: 9177343383 or email id:, along with students name and their class with details of the payment. (Tuition / Transport).
  • It is mandatory to pay the Instalment-1 fee at the beginning of the new academic session and before the summer vacation or at the time of admission for new admissions.
  • The school Tuition fee structure does not include books, uniform, shoes, tie and belt. Parents can purchase from en-panelled vendors directly, school will felicitate in procuring these items
  • Fee charged by other organizations /CBSE for board exams for Classes IX,X and competitions, Annual day, field trips etc.,will be informed and charged separately.
  • Fees once paid will not be refunded or adjusted under any circumstances.

Note : If the student leaves in the middle of the academic year, the tuition fee for the entire year has to be paid to procure the Transfer Certificate.

Transfer Certificate Policy

Transfer Certificate Policy

  • Every year, the school releases a YEAR END Circular to the parents mentioning the DUE DATE to apply for TRANSFER CERTIFICATE. If applied after the due date, 50 % of TUTION FEES of Following Academic Year should be paid in order to collect the certificate.
  • The student diary has comprehensive details regarding the functioning of the school and other rules and regulations.The content is available on the school website also.